Due to the lockdown, many big films are releasing on the digital platform. Today, Akshay Kumar took to his Twitter page and made a big announcement through a video. The superstar tweeted, “Big news coming today! Tune into @DisneyplusHSVIP twitter handle today at 4:30 PM! @ajaydevgn @aliaa08 @juniorbachchan @Varun_dvn.” It seems like he will be announcing the release of various upcoming films on Disney+HotstarVIP.
Today, Mukesh Bhatt confirmed that Alia Bhatt and Aditya Roy Kapur’s Sadak 2 will release digitally. So that’s confirmed for sure. Other films speculated to be releasing are Akshay Kumar’s Laxmmi Bomb, Ajay Devgn’s Bhuj: The Pride of India, Sushant Singh Rajput’s Dil Bechara, Abhishek Bachchan’s The Big Bull, Kunal Kemmu’s Lootcase and Vidyut Jammwal’s Khuda Haafiz. Varun Dhawan is also joining the press conference along with Akshay and others. So there are chances he might reveal something about Coolie No 1. But what has caught everyone’s attention is Vidyut’s latest tweet.
The Commando actor seems to have taken a subtle dig at Disney+HotstarVIP, Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgn and others. He mentioned how 7 films are releasing and 2 of them have received no invitation or intimation. He tweeted it’s a long road ahead which hints at how outsiders have a lot to do to get equal recognition like the star kids and big stars. Vidyut Jammwal’s tweet reads, “A big announcement or sure!!! 7 films scheduled for release but only 5 are deemed worthy of representation. 2 films, receive no invitation or intimation. It’s a long road ahead. THE CYCLE CONTINUES”.
Check out Vidyut Jammwal’s tweet below:
A BIG announcement for sure!!
7 films scheduled for release but only 5 are deemed worthy of representation. 2 films, receive no invitation or intimation. It’s a long road ahead. THE CYCLE CONTINUES https://t.co/rWfHBy2d77— Vidyut Jammwal (@VidyutJammwal) June 29, 2020
The actor hasn’t taken any name or hasn’t mentioned which 2 films, but one can assume he is pointing out to his upcoming release Khuda Haafiz. We wonder what Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgn, Abhishek Bachchan and others have to say about his tweet.
What do you think Vidyut Jammwal’s tweet is about? Let us know in the comments below.
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