Shah Rukh Khan starrer Zero also starring Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif that released back in 2018 did not perform as expected with the Box Office and with the audience. The film has now bounced back to the headlines as veteran actor Lilliput has expressed that he is not happy with Shah Rukh and the film. As per the Mirzapur 2 actor, the film ignores the mental and emotional harassment that dwarfs go through. Read on to know what he exactly has to say below.
Zero stars Shah Rukh as a Dwarf who lives larger than life. He doesn’t allow his physical shortcomings to reflect on his attitude and is a blunt man. The film also stars Anushka as a girl battling with Cerebral palsy. The film directed by Aanand L Rai was one of the most anticipated films of the year but failed to make a mark with its release.
Talking about the Shah Rukh Khan starrer is now Lilliput who has said that Khan should not have done the film in the first place. The actor says this due to two reasons. The first he says that there is nothing to act about being a dwarf. As per Hindustan Times, he said, “Even when I did not know the story of the film, my reaction was still that Shah Rukh Khan should not have done this film. A normal-looking person can still act as someone who is blind, doesn’t have a leg or an arm, is deaf or mute. He will have to act. What is there to ‘act’ when playing a dwarf? A dwarf speaks, walks, thinks like a normal person.”
Lilliput added, “Only his legs and arms are small or he has a distorted figure. But his wit and manner of speaking is no different. When you are playing a blind person, you have to act because you are pretending to be blind even when you can see. When you play a person who cannot walk, you have to pretend to be one and convince the audience of it. How will you convince someone that you are a dwarf? When you are so famous.”
The second reason as per Lilliput is that Shah Rukh Khan’s Zero lacks emotional depth and also fails to show the harassment that dwarves go through. He said, “When you decided to play a dwarf, you didn’t touch upon the emotional, psychological and social problems that dwarves go through. You didn’t show the trauma and tragedy of a dwarf. Anushka Sharma played a woman with a far more tragic story than him. She couldn’t speak or walk. He was the one jumping around, doing everything, what problem does he have? So even the script was weird. Don’t know how someone so intelligent, successful… they too make mistakes.”
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